Monday, August 26, 2013

A&P. Review for Lecture Exam 1

Bios 357 Review Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
1. What is the definition of Anatomy? Physiology?
2. What are the levels of organization of a human beginning with the smallest (chemical)?
3. What are homeostasis, homeostasis feedback and circuit?
4. What are the organ systems of a human?
5. What is the anatomical position?
6. What are the subatomic particles, their charge, and where are they found?
7. Understand the octet rule. How does this contribute to the formation of chemical bonds?
8. What are the major types of chemical bonds?
9. Understand the chemical reactions discussed in class.
10. What is the difference between polar and nonpolar compounds?
11. What is the pH scale, what is considered acidic, basic, what is a buffer?
12. Understand the basics of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
13. What is an enzyme, what is the function?
14. Understand hydrophilic, hydrophobic
15. Know the components of the cell membrane: lipid bilayer, integral vs peripheral proteins,
glycocalyx, pores, channels in the cell membrane
16. Know the major organelles and their functions
17. Understand the general process of protein synthesis; understand the difference between
mRNA, tRNA, and (ribosomal) rRNA.
18. Understand the different types of membrane transport at the plasma membrane and these
terms: diffusion, osmosis, passive vs active transport, ATPase pumps, vesicular transport,
(endocytosis, exocytosis, phagocytosis)
19. What are the 4 tissue categories in the body?
20. What are the characteristics and functions of epithelium?
21. Know the types of epithelium and examples of where they are found in the body
22. Understand the types and functions of the intracellular connections: gap junctions,
desmosomes, tight junctions,
23. Know the major exocrine glands and secretions. Know the difference between an
exocrine and endocrine gland.
24. Know the 3 main components of connective tissue: cell, ground substance, and fiber and
how each of these differs for the various connective tissue types.
25. Know the major connective tissue types, their general functions, compositions, and where
you might find them.
26. Which of the tissues that we discussed are avascular (not supplied by blood vessels)?
27. What are the 3 cartilage types, where would you find each type and what is the function?
28. What are the body membranes?
29. How does the epidermis grow and how long is it for a cell to move through? What are
the 4 or 5 layers?
30. What is the difference between thick and thin skin and where would you find each? 31. What is a Melanocyte? Keratinocyte? What are the functions of these cells?
32. What is inflammation and repair after tissue injury?
33. What 2 layers make up the skin?
34. What are the accessory skin structures?
35. What are the categories of burns?
36. What are the 3 main types of skin cancer?
37. What is the skin’s association with Vitamin D?
38. Identify a positive and a negative effect of exposure to UV sunlight

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